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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Igor Rodin, un filatelist rus, a realizat o pagină web cu titlul Astrophilatelist. Rodin prezintă zeci de piese din această ramură a filateliei, precum și revista, pe care o editează de mai mulți ani. Space and Philately este o publicație, care apare trimestrial și este scris în engleză. Deasemenea pagina mai are un capitol intitulat Enciclopedia spațiului, unde cei interesați pot găsi definiții sau date ale unor zboruri ori informații despre pesonaje legate de acest cercetarea spațiului. Pagina este în continuu dezvoltare.
Rodin este expert în astrofilatelie și membru AIEP (Asociația Internațională a Experților Filatelici). El a fost distins, în 2006, de americani cu Premiul Lester Winnick, pentru activitatea sa depusă în slujba astrofilateliei.
Astrofilatelia este ramură a filateliei tematice, care s eocupă cu colecționarea și studierea mărcilor și pieselor filatelice ce au ca subiect cucerirea și cercetarea cosmosului. Colecțiile de astrofilatelie pot include ștampile și scrisori cu autografele cosmonauților, chiar dacă caracterul filatelic al acestor piese se restrânge la elementele poștale.
Igor Rodin, a Russian stamp collector, made a website - Astrophilatelist. Rodin presents dozens of pieces of this branch of philately, and magazine, which publishes a number of years. Space and Philately is a publication which appears quarterly and is written in English. Page also has a chapter entitled Space encyclopedia where those interested can find definitions and data of flights or pesonaje information related to this research area. This page is under continuous development.
Astrophilately is a very interesting and exciting hobby. Among the special characteristics of Astrophilately are envelopes and cards cancelled by the post office at the place and on the exact date of the special events regarded to space exploration, i.e. launches, landings, or other space activities. For manned space programs and for deep space missions (after launch) the postmark applied at the Post Office being nearest to the corresponding mission control centre, responsible for supervision, is valid to record such events as extra vehicle activities, dockings, undockings, etc. Astrophilately also includes the collecting of Space Mail. Space Mail is philatelic material that was flown aboard a spacecraft. Postmarks from tracking sites and ships participating in the mission are also Astrophilatelic material if they are dated during the mission. - said Russian philatelist.
Igor Rodin, AIEP (International Association of Philatelic Experts) expert on space-mail, received the American Space Unit 2006 Lester Winnick - Award for his activities in Astrophilately.
Astrophilately is the area of philately connected with astronomy and efforts to reach outer space, both manned and unmanned. Topics of interest include postage stamps, cancellations, and covers connected to various projects. Examples include rocket mail, dating from as early as the 1930s, and mail actually carried on space flights, a practice that began with Project Apollo missions, and has continued since then. Specialists distinguish astrophilately from topical collecting with a space theme; astrophilatelic items are those with direct connections to space missions, whether or not they include any special pictorial depiction. The Fédération Internationale de Philatélie has a Commission for Astrophilately. Included are covers and cards cancelled at launch sites, tracking stations, Mission Control facilities, research laboratories, and recovery ships. Many, though not all, such items have cachets produced for the mission; others are recognizable only with specific knowledge of the postmark location and date corresponding to a launch.

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