Cel mai important eveniment filatelic din India a avut loc ieri, când preşedintele Clubului Filatelic Baroda, Shri Prashant Pandya, a deschis oficial expoziţia STAMPMANIA 2009. Expoziţia este prima, rezervată în exclisivitate colecţiilor "un panou". Cu această ocazie au fost puse în circulaţie o serie de ştampile ocazionale, folosite doar în timpul expoziţiei. Evenimentul a fost precedat de o serie de manifestări stradale. Sute de tineri filatelişti au defilat pe străzile oraşului Baroda (Vadodara). Ei purtau bannere cu imaginile timbrelor indiene. (foto: philatelynews.com)
The most important philatelic event in India was held yesterday, when President Baroda Philatelic Club, Shri Prashant Pandya, officially opened the exhibition STAMPMANIA 2009. The exhibition is the first, reserved exclisivitate collections "one frame". On this occasion they were put into circulation a series of occasional stamp, used only during the exhibition. The event was preceded by a series of street events. Hundreds of young philatelists marched the streets Baroda (Vadodara). They bore banners with images of Indian stamps. (photo: philatelynews.com)**
Dear Mr. Laszlo,
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for giving wide publicity to Stampmania 2009 through your blog. Also I am thankful to you for giving updates of Stampmania 2009.
With warm regards,
Prashant Pandya
Prashant H. Pandya
Chairman - "STAMPMANIA 2009" Organising Committee
President - Baroda Philatelic Society
Serving the cause of Philately since 1978
(M): +919879571179
e-mail: info@vadophil.org