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Friday, December 18, 2009

Maximafiliștii băcăuani în atenția FEPA

Numărul 15 al revistei FEPA News (p. 82-89), editat de forul suprem al filateliștilor europeni, publică, sub semnătura lui Nicos Rangos, un amplu reportaj despre expoziția de maximafilie EXPOMAX -BACĂU 600, ce avut loc în toamna anului trecut. Textul integral poate fi lecturat pe pagina oficială FEPA (FEPA News Nº 15), în limba engleză și franceză. Autorul articolului este celebrul maximafilist, Nicos Rangos, până nu demult președinte al Comisiei de Maximafilie din cadrul FIP.


New approaches and innovations
A good example to be followed by Maximaphily Associations all over the world
By Nicos Rangos
Barely four months had passed after the "EFIRO 2008" World Exhibition in Bucharest 20th - 27th June 2008 when an exhibition, a new important event, loomed on the philatelic horizon of Romania - the big surprise exhibition "EXPOMAX BACĂU 600".
The Municipality of Bacău
The essential driving force behind the realisation of the exhibition was the Municipal Council of the town of Bacău whose popular and active Mayor is Mr. Romeo Stavarache. We had the opportunity of making his acquaintance during a visit to the Town Hall. We met him in his offi ce, an offi ce unusually small and simple. "The plans for a modern offi ce have been ready for a long time but the town of Bacău takes priority," the young Mayor told us, full of confi dence in himself as he showed me the map of the districts of the town. "I’m very happy because I devote all my time and all my strength to improving the quality of life of the inhabitants of this town, both at the level of creativity and modernisation and at the cultural level." The Mayor, active and discreet, open-minded and clearly enthusiastic, feels proud of the history and culture of his town. "Philately is a part of this culture and Maximaphily has deep roots here," he added.
The Romanian Maximaphily Association "Dr. Valeriu Neaga"
The central driving force behind the realisation of the exhibition was the administrative Council of the Romanian Maximaphily Association, recently created, to which has been given the name of an important person, the physician Dr Valeriu Neaga, who was the pioneer of Romanian Maximaphily. The Council of the Association composed of well-known authors and enthusiasts, academics, writers, editors and personalities from the sciences, letters and arts, put a lot of effort into the organisation and communication to make the exhibition a success.
The initiator of the "big surprise" was the founding president of the Romanian Maximaphily Association, Vasile Doroş. A retired general of the Romanian army, possessor of a great deal of knowledge and experience and with many friends, he has acquired a major reputation in his country. Creative and decisive, dynamic and enthusiastic, polite and effi cient and also an unrivalled organiser, he quickly became a deserving president of the Romanian Maximaphily Association "Dr. Valeriu Neaga". Moreover, on June 26th 2008 in Bucharest, during the offi cial meeting of the FIP Maximaphily Commission, he won a seat as member of the Bureau. Vasile Doroş has a vision and seizes every opportunity... more >>> FEPA News Nº 15

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