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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Yours Almost as a Gift

Publicitatea de față a apărut în revista tehnică Mechanix Illustrated în 1953. Mi se pare interesant și curajos anunțul făcut de patronul firmei Littleton Stamp Company, Maynard Sundman. În anii ´50 ai secolului trecut Războiul Rece a reușit să-l dezorienteze și pe cei mai echilibrați americani. Paranoia a ajuns ca cetățenii când se duceau la bar sau magazin, aveau asupra lor masca de gaze. Guvernul american, în urma unei propagande feroce, a reușit să nenorocească zeci, poate sute de mii de oameni, care au fost declarați comuniști sau simpatizanți ai comuniștilor. Mulți dintre ei au ajuns chiar și în închisoare.
* - Beneficiarul publicitații a fost firma marelui filatelist, Maynard Sundman. El a servit patria participând la bătăliile celui de al Doilea Război Mondial din Africa de Nord și Italia. În 1945 a înființat Littleton Stamp Company. Sundman s-a stins din viață la vârsta venerabilă de 92 de ani, în noiembrie 2007. Fiul lui, David, astfel își aduce aminte de marele filatelist: până de curând, tata, a venit la locul de muncă aproape în fiecare zi. Pentru a răspunde la zecile de scrisori pe care le primea zilnic, folosea mașina sa de scris, Royal, fabricată în 1948. În istoria familiei, prima afacere cu timbre s-a derulat în 1935, iar "magazinul filatelic" a fost amenajat în bucătărie. Afacerea sa s-a dezvoltat, iar în 1974, el a cumpărat Mystic Stamp Company din Camden, New York. Tot în această perioada Littleton Stamp Company s-a extins și s-a transformat în Littleton Coin Company. Conducerea acestei afaceri a fost moștenit de fiul lui, David. Compania are 350 de angajați. Un alt fiu al lui Sundman sr., Donald, este preşedintele Mystic Stamp Co, unul dintre cele mai afaceri de profil din lume,. Cele două firme, împreună, onorează anual, peste trei milioane de comenzi din domeniul filatelic și numismatic. Cumpărătorii lor sunt de pe tot mapamondul.
Advertise beside was published in Mechanix Illustrated magazine in 1953.

Article published on the blog
Modern Mechanix*
Yours Almost as a Gift
Only 25¢ for The Entire Set of 25 Hitler Stamps
Amazing Bargain Offer! 25 Stamps, Ail Different Guaranteed to Be Worth Over TWICE as Much!
More people buy stamps from Littleton than from any other concern in the world! To introduce you to our services, we offer this amazing bargain "25 colorful Hitler stamps, from five different countries: Germany, Poland, Bohemia-Moravia, Russia, and Italy. All were issued when the ruthless Nazi dictator was at the height of his evil power. All different. All are much sought after. Yet the entire fascinating set is now yours almost as a GIFT"only 25¢! But our supply is limited. So please don’t ask for more than one set.
If you act at once, we will send you "FREE" the valuable magnifying glass shown here. The stamps and magnifier together are worth $1.00 at retail. We’ll also include other interesting offers for your inspection.
MAIL COUPON NOW - Don’t delay. Be the first in your neighborhood to have this valuable set. But you must hurry if you want to get the 25 Hitler stamps practically as a gift... and the magnifying glass free. This special bargain offer may have to be withdrawn soon. So rush the coupon at once to Littleton Stamp Co.**, Dept. 6-MI, Littleton, New Hampshire.
* - Mechanix Illustrated was an American magazine founded in the first half of the 20th Century to compete against the older Popular Science and Popular Mechanics. Billed as "The How-To-Do Magazine", Mechanix Illustrated (MI) aimed to guide readers through various projects from home improvements and advice on repairs to "build-your-own (sports car, telescope, helicopter, etc)". From its debut in 1928, it went through a number of permutations over the years, being called at various points in its life, Home Mechanix, Modern Mechanics and Inventions, Modern Mechanix and Inventions, Modern Mechanix and finally Mechanix Illustrated.
** - Beneficiary of such advertising was philatelic store owned by great philatelist, Maynard Sundman. He served country participating in the battles of the Second World War in North Africa and Italy. In 1945 he founded Littleton Stamp Company. Sundman died at the venerable age of 92 years, in November 2007. His son, David, as great philatelist remembers: until recently, my father came to work almost every day. To answer dozens of letters they receive each day, used his typewriter, Royal, made in 1948. Sundnam in 1935 developed the first business, and "philately shop" was arranged in the kitchen. His business grew and in 1974 he bought the Mystic Stamp Company of Camden, New York. Also during this period Littleton Stamp Company expanded and turned in Littleton Coin Company. The management of this business was inherited by his son, David, a renowned numismatist. The company has 350 employees. Another son of Sundman sr., Donald, is president of Mystic Stamp Co., one of the business of its kind in the world, having 175 employees. The two companies together, an honor annually over three million orders in the field of philately and numismatic. Their buyers throughout the world.

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